Sunday, December 9, 2012

{the days move on}

The days seem to be slipping away faster and faster,
I'm sure you can relate ;)

Ryder & Will are closing in on their first year and it is bringing on
so many emotions...

trying to savor their last days as babies
looking forward to their {ever} growing independence
looking forward to sleeping again {hopefully}
missing those snuggly newborn days already
loving every little moment of discovery
wanting to pull them in and keep them small awhile longer

Being a mom is so bittersweet. It is such a joy to see your babies grow and learn and become
their own, but it breaks your heart all at the same time to see them slowly need you
less and less. I just love my boys so much.

Judah, oh Judah.

Never has there been such a passionate, life loving, joy seeking little boy. You truly
live up to the meaning of your name, "Praise"---you are such a JOY!

There are many moments of feisty toddler rebellion, but so many more of sweet
moments that you just long to LEARN and soak up life's every opportunity! We are so 
blessed to call you our son and your brothers have such a great example to lead them. We love you 
for exactly who you are and who you will become in the years ahead.

Having 3 little ones has changed our perspectives, our goals,
what we hold most dear. Isn't it funny how you have you whole life
planned out and then these little people come along and none of it makes 
sense anymore? For us, it has been a process of finding out who we are as individuals,
 but before that who are as a family. Every day we get a little closer. God is so
good and so gracious with us.

There are some big changes on the horizon, some we never considered before
but we are so excited for the next big adventure {God Willing} in the new
year. I can't wait to share what it is.

Oh, these days are so sweet and so precious. They move on and on and on
 and one day I will wake up and they will be gone. I have been thinking
so much about that lately...what will it be like when I look back
on all my days as an old woman? Will I be happy with how I lived my life,
will I look back and know I cherished all these sweet, crazy days? I so hope I do.

Thank you, Lord, for this life and these sweet boys and my incredible husband. It has been 
one of the toughest years of my life, but one that has grown and taught me
so much. I can not wait to see our boys grow and learn and love. I pray our family would
only grow closer to You and love so deeply those around us. Thank you for this year, for all
these sleepless nights and long days, for every moment that has stretched me and grown me
in ways I otherwise never would have. I am so thankful for a God who knows my every need.

The days move on, don't let them slip by with out fully living in every messy moment :) Here's to a great year ahead, 2013.

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