Wednesday, November 30, 2011

{27 & 28 Weeks}

The past two weeks have been wonderful. Judah and I got to spend 10 days in Green Bay with family. It was SO nice to relax and rest while Grandmas and Grandpas entertained Judah :) I can hardly keep up to him these days, so it was a nice break for him too.

Thanksgiving was great, although I did not get to eat as much carb loaded goodness as I would have liked :) My diabetes is under control with diet and exercise so far and not causing any more problems. I am so thankful to have doctors who are so on top of their game!

I even made it out for black Friday with my mom and sister. Even though we were not out looking for much, it is our tradition and we just had to do it! We were crazy enough to go out at midnight-won't do that again though! We found some great deals, had a yummy breakfast and got to sleep most of the afternoon on Friday. I was pretty sore by the end of it with all the walking, er waddling, that I did :)

Other than relaxing and shopping I have been sewing up a storm the past two weeks: 6 receiving blankets, 4 crib sheets, 12 bibs, and 12 burp rags! I am a nesting maniac. I also got our entire place organized from head to toe wit the help of my organizing queen sister (and mom of course!) Heidi must have assembled 10 different new organizing contraptions. I feel 90% ready for the babies now! Just a few more things to clean, organize and order and I'll be ready to go!

Yesterday was my 28 week growth scan, my sister got to come a long and see her first ultrasound! It was awesome! The babies were so active and acting more and more like newborns. Within the first minute we got to see baby "A" give a HUGE yawn and then proceed to either kiss or bite his brother :) Both boys were head down, although baby "B" did two big flips during the ultrasound he ended the show head down again. Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound:

Baby "A" profile

Baby "B" had a head full of hair!!!

Baby "B" all squished up hiding from his brother :)

Baby "A"

Both boys are doing GREAT! Baby "A" is 3 pounds and Baby "B" is 2 lbs 15 ounces--only a 3.3% happy!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

{26 Weeks}

One week makes a difference when you are carrying TWO babies! My waddle has become somewhat of an old woman's hobble. I am a sad sad sight these days. I know my mom and sister are hoping I can make it out for our tradition of black Friday shopping next week, but I think if I go it will have to involve some kind of hover-round type transportation :)

My back aches. My legs ache. My belly has taken over.

I wonder every day "can I REALLY get any rounder than this?!"

These babies are serious movers and shakers, oh my! Baby "A" has been kicking my poor ribs to pieces day and night & Baby "B" is performing twists and turns that make my stomach look like a freak show. Andrew can see my tummy "bopping" from across a room!

What a time in my life is this!

Everything has been going pretty well the past week. I had one scary night last Saturday when we were in Green Bay though. I noticed I had been having contractions pretty consistently and started to time them. I found that I was having nearly 10 in an hour. It was 7 at night and I didn't want anyone to panic, so I called our hospital in Madison where I was told to relax and drink 3 glasses of water for another hour & time them. No change. Still had 10 contractions in an hour. When I called back they told me to come right in to triage...eeer, uh oh. When I told them I was in Green Bay they suggested either going to a hospital in Green Bay or wait another hour to see if there was any change. I was panicked at the thought of having any complications while away from my doctor and just prayer that the contractions would slow down...and they did after another hour. I have not had any more consistent contractions this week, but we will definitely not be traveling any more after Thanksgiving!

I was also really bummed to find out that I have gestational diabetes last week. I couldn't believe it when I got the phone call. I exercise daily and eat really healthy! I immediately felt like it MUST have been something I did wrong, but my doctor assured me that is was almost certainly because I am having twins--double the hormones makes it even harder for the body to process glucose. But, luckily we caught it right away and I was able to talk to a dietitian right away this week & get set up with a meal plan and glucometer. It is going to be difficult making it through the holidays with diabetes, but I will do anything to make sure these babies are as healthy and safe as possible!

I am thankful to have made it through another week and have these two munchkins growing big and strong, and trying to keep positive even as things get more and more difficult. 11 more weeks at the most to go!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

{25 Weeks}

The past 5 weeks have flown by for me, it is hard to believe I am only (at the most) 12 weeks away from having these babies! Well...not so hard to believe physically, because I seriously feel like I am FULL TERM right now. I did not feel like this until the very end with Judah!

Packed full of babies. My tummy is like a rock & every time one of them moves you can see it!

Having contractions day and night.


So sore all the time. Everywhere.

Eating smaller amounts of food at a time than Judah--there is just no room in there!

Feeling movement constantly--there is literally never a moment where one of these guys is not up to something :)

Waking up every night at 2AM for a bowl of cereal.

Excited to meet these guys, but at the same time NOT ready for their arrival. SO much to do!

Still discussing name options with Andrew, but pretty sure we have made our final decision :)

Thankful both boys are growing big & strong.

Praying they stay "in" as long as possible.

Judah is starting to understand what is in his future a little more every day---the other day he looked at me and said "two baby?" with a huge smile on his face. He has also been caring for his little boy baby doll--changing diapers, finding his binky, feeding him juice, and putting him night-night. He is going to be an all star big-bro!

This past weekend myself and a photographer friend of mine, Jessica, of More Than Just Pictures swapped photo sessions. As photographers her and I know how rare it is for us to actually BE IN a picture. It was such a special day and the pictures are priceless. I absolutely LOVE them and I am so happy we have a way to remember this special time in our life. Thank you, Jessica!

I am 25 weeks and 1 day in these pictures...yes I am counting the DAYS :)