Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mommy Brain

I have had a bad case of the "mommy brain" this entire pregnancy & have been horrible at updating this blog regularly!

I will be 24 weeks in just a few days! That leaves 13 weeks left (at the most) before the boys arrive. My doctor decided that she will not let me go past 37 weeks. The best time to deliver twins is between 35-38 weeks. SO, that does not leave much time to prepare...I can not believe how quickly this pregnancy has been going!

I have been feeling great the past few weeks. Some days are better than others, but for the most part I have had lots of energy. Judah and I usually try to get in a few good, long walks every week, we have to get in as much time outdoors as possible before the winter hits! This week we walked to the zoo to meet some friends...I could tell it would be one of my last long walks because the entire way there and back I was having contractions. So thankful I have made it this far and have been so active though!

Starting next week I will be having growth ultrasounds every few weeks at the hospital to monitor baby "B" and make sure he is doing well. It will be fun to see the babies so often, but a little nerve wracking at the same time--- I sure have mastered the fine art of motherly worrying during this pregnancy!

Judah man has been such a joy, he keeps us laughing constantly! He just turned 21 months and is getting to be more and more of a big boy every day--he LOVES anything with wheels, books, cooking in his "kitchen" and taking care of his baby doll and of course Elmo/"Nana".

We feel so blessed and thankful every day for the sweet family God has given to us. Although it can be overwhelming and stressful at times at the end of the day there is not a thing I would change.

Stay tuned for a belly pic update! :) For now here are a few fun pictures of Judah from photo booth on our Mac.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oh Boy. Oh BOY!

That's right. I am officially outnumbered 4:1, we are having TWIN BOYS!!!

When we found out it was two boys all I could picture was:

Andrew & his 3 boys,

It makes my heart smile.

My Boys. My three sweet baby boys.

What a sweet, sweet life God has given us!

Here are some photos!

Baby "B"

Baby "A"
Baby "B" profile
Baby "A" profile
Everything went really well, the boys are both healthy and handsome :)

Both are exactly 14 ounces.
20 toes
20 fingers
2 sweet mouths
4 little eyes
two round bellies
4 kicking legs
4 wiggly arms

Baby A looks a lot like Judah did in his ultrasound, Baby B looks completely different. I think he might look a lot like Andrew.

Baby B needs some prayers for continued healthy growth. His umbilical cord was found to be "marginally placed"--meaning it is at the very far edge of the placenta. This has statistically been shown to correlate with a poor growth rate. We will have to have frequent ultrasounds to monitor his progress, but right now he is doing beautifully!

We are so thankful for the blessing these two sweet babies are and praise God that they are both healthy and growing strong.

And now it's time to brainstorm some names for these two little guys...two boys was the one name combo we have been having trouble with!

They showed us a little of their personalities today.

The wiggly, active one.
Likes to tease his brother (lots of kicking and bopping)
Head down and not going anywhere!

Laid back.
Tries to avoid "conflict" :)
Likes his picture taken.
Can't decided: head down or head up?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

{20 Weeks}

20 weeks--over half way there! :) On average, twins come at 35 weeks gestation, compared to the typical 40-41 weeks that pregnancy "normally" lasts.

Panic mode has set in at our house--SO much to do in the next 15 or so weeks! The fear of being put on bed rest has been pushed to the back of my mind. I told my doctor, "I don't have time for that!" She promised me she would not put me on bed rest "just because" I am pregnant with twins-- only if she thought that the pregnancy was at risk. So far, so good. I have not had many troubles since my morning (ALL day) sickness went away 7 weeks ago. I feel pretty "normal"--just a slower version of my normal.

We find out the gender of the babies this couldn't feel farther away! We are so anxious to know that we can not even talk about it with out a hint of anxiety in our voices. Knowing the sex will somehow make it more "real." We will finally be able to think of them and talk about them by name and start to prepare a little more for their arrival. But, this time, the ultrasound means so much more to me than just finding out the sex--so many more things can go awry with a twin pregnancy, so it will give me a peace of mind to know how they are growing in their little mystery world.

Here are a few pictures of our little trip to the apple orchard, including one of my round 20 week belly :)

Couldn't eat enough apples :)

"Hey, Mama, look at that plane!"