Monday, July 23, 2012


around here...

we. are. EXHAUSTED.

sleep comes in increments of no more than 2 hours

tantrums come in increments of 15 minutes

never in our lives have we been more tired

and it is really starting to catch up with us

the babies are going to be 6 months old in a few weeks 

i really thought we would be doing better by this time

but, with the lack of sleep, things are 

pretty shabby around here.


::on a good day::

the babies wake up to nurse at the same time(s):
3am & 5am instead of every other hour
through the night.

judah sleeps in his own bed until 5am

we all get to sleep until 7am

judah gets dressed

andrew or i gets to take a shower

judah does not escape from the house

we eat

andrew & i get some work done

andrew & i have a conversation
{unrelated to kids}

everyone {under 2} is in bed before 10pm


on most days none of those things happen :)

most days andrew and i look at each other from across the room
and say, "are you freakin' kidding me?"

 this whole experience has definitely brought us closer together

raising 3 under 3 is the hardest thing we have ever done

and we are doing it together.

if we all come out of this year alive, it will
be one of the greatest achievements of our lives.

no lie.

for all the other parents of twins out there:

someday we will all look back on
this time and smile...and
probably laugh

and now i am going to try & steal some sleep.


1 comment:

  1. I bought my mother a shirt the other day. It said "You can't scare me. I have twins." I think you need that shirt, too.
