Here's a little update on the baby front:
-Went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and found out I am 5cm!!! What in the world?! HOW am I still walking around like this, practically about to push these babies out??"Active labor is said to start at 4cm....soooo, I guess that makes me officially in labor, no? I like to think so.
-My doctor is not on call again until tomorrow morning at 8am, so I am "holding out" until then. I REALLY want her to be the one to deliver the babies. But, the doctor on call today is also amazing and delivered Judah 2 years ago. SO, I am just monitoring my contractions and waiting to see how things go.
-I was instructed to come in when my contractions are 10 minutes apart or less. Well, let me tell you they have been 8-10 minutes apart for like 3 weeks, I am really not taking that all too seriously. Last night when I went to bed they were 7-8 minutes apart, but not unbearable. I am starting to wonder if I just have a really high pain threshold? Andrew is a little worried that I might wait too long. He was panicked this morning when I told him to just go to work and I would call him if things got moving along more quickly. We are literally FIVE minutes from the hospital, so no point in bumming around there when I can relax at home. My doctor said that if I went in right now, at 5cm, they would not let me leave.
-And now, they are still the same, 7-8 minutes apart, but not so intense that I can not talk, ect.
-My doc will be on call starting at 8am tomorrow, so babies, lets just take it easy until then :) I never thought I would ask them to stay put another day, but I think I can make it 12-14 more hours :) My sister will be happy about this plan too because she will be flying in from Colorado tomorrow afternoon!