I know I am not alone in this, but fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! This year is especially significant for me because it is a major shift in both seasons of life and seasons of the year.
I am so ready for a new season!
A season of beautiful, vibrant colors.
A season of SLEEPING babies :)
A season of crisp, cool weather.
A season of learning what it means to
be a mom of three.
A season of crackling backyard campfires.
A season of family.
A season of Sunday football games.
A season of dreaming for our future.
A season of canning our summer garden's bounty.
A season of learning to lean on God more and more.
A season of warm, fuzzy sweaters.
A season of change in so many ways.
The past three seasons have felt like one long winter in my soul. Since the birth of our two little bugs we have been hibernating in a way. Finally, it seems that there is an end to this season of newborn babies, sleepless nights & toddler tantrums. All 3 of the kids are growing and learning so much every day. It is amazing to see them transform into such sweet, intelligent, loving individuals. And as they grow and become more independent I am once again able to unsurface "me." What were my hobbies again? :) Ah, the ever evolving life of a mother!
Judah and I have enjoyed doing little daily art projects together over the past week & I hope it is something we can continue to do together. He just loves to get hands on & creative!
Here is a project we did this week:
(sorry for the poor ipad quailty photo, but hopefully you can see it enough to appreciate Judah's
paintbrush skills!)
We used scrapbook letters and wrote out a bible verse that has been a favorite at our house over the past few months. Then Judah painted over the letters. We waited for the paint to dry & peeled the letters off and got a really neat effect. {I saw a version of this on Pinterest awhile back}
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper & not harm you, plans to give you a hope & a future" Jeremiah 29:11
Such beautiful words. They have carried us through the past few months & continue to give us hope for the many beautiful days the Lord has laid out for us in the seasons, months & years to come.
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