I am losing sleep.
Not because I am the mom of 11 week old twins.
Not because I have a two year old.
Not because we are moving in 7 days.
Not because I have a million and one things to do.
But, because I am full of JOY and ANTICIPATION for our future.
I have learned SO much over the past four weeks, it is surreal.
There have been many moments of shear chaos.
Moments of anger.
Moments when I questioned God's plan.
Moments when I leaned on my own understanding and not God.
Moments when I wanted to give up.
Moments when I lost hope.
But through every one of these moments hope has carried me through.
The hope I have in a God that will never abandon of forsake me.
The hope that He has something more, something better in store for me.
And today, I am so filled with JOY.
So excited to see where the Lord will take me in the months ahead.
I have rarely felt this DEEP trust in God...
I have struggled for so long with just letting go completely...
with letting Him have control fully.
But, slowly He has worked my hard heart into something moldable.
Something useable.
Something I am freely willing to give up.
And it is the absolute BEST feeling I have ever experienced in my life.
And that is enough to make me lose sleep.
I can't wait to share more about what I have learned and where the Lord is leading me.
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