We have 3 kids 3 and under.
My husband works full time plus and is in grad school full time.
We live 3 hours away from any family and any regular help.
We are generally overwhelmed and stressed out.
Yeah- our life falls under the busy catagegory ;)
But, so does yours, right?
You have your own stuff going on, you are busy, but in other ways {or maybe the same- if so, we should be friends, haha}
It's funny, because I look at my friends that don't have kids {or have less kids, or have kids that are grown and gone} and they are just as frazled as myself on the day-to-day. But, then I remember my "former" life before the kids or before the husband and remember how busy my life felt then.
Life occupies us. It keeps us on the move. In a time with so much {constant} visual stimulation {TV, Social Media, Internet, ect} we are seldom "alone" or unamused. There are always demands on our time, our attention, our minds.
We are busy.
Even though my kids and family do demand much of my attention and time, there is still a fair amount left over that I chose to fill with my own busyness.
Yep, busyness that I choose.
And that is where the excuses come in, in my own busyness.
When I say I am too busy for a friend or quite time, there is most likely some of my own personal busyness that I could set aside and give instead.
For me, right now, I am actively trying to evaulate my busyness and see where I can choose relationships first, because we are all busy, but sometimes it is a matter of prioitizing the things that matter, the things that are lasting over the things that are fleeting.
What keeps you busy?
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