Wednesday, July 27, 2011

{10 weeks}

10 weeks with twins is much different than 10 weeks with Judah :)

I am:
Nauseous all the time.
Tired all the time.
Already wearing maternity pants!
5 pounds LESS than before I got pregnant.
Still in shock that we will have TWO babies.
Excited for Judah to have two full time buddies :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Two Hearts

two hearts.

Andrew, Judah & I went to my first OB appointment together, excited to see our new baby on the first ultrasound. We somewhat knew what to expect from having Judah, so we were prepared and ready for all the "usual" first appointment tests and information. Little did we know :)

When the nurse came out to get us she brought us right back for the ultrasound. She was so sweet and helped Judah carry his legos and a little chair he HAD to have from the waiting room. When we got into the tiny dark room Judah lost it and from there on Andrew was preoccupied with keeping Judah calm. When the ultrasound started Andrew was all but paying attention to what was going on.

The nurse asked how I had been feeling & I told her SO sick, SO tired, SO different from when I was pregnant with Judah. "Hmmm" she said. As she started the ultrasound I was looking back and forth between the screen and Judah tossing legos around the room. Suddenly my eyes fixed on the screen. Something looked...strange. I saw two black circles with two little wiggly things & thought "what am I seeing?" The nurse said "Oh!" and I immediately knew and started to say "oh my God, no, no, no!" I was laughing and crying at the same time! Poor Andrew didn't know what was going on until the nurse said "do twins run in your family?" He said "no way! Judah, there are TWO babies...two babies!"

Twins do not run in my family (comes from the mother's side) so I never expected to ever have twins! It was a HUGE shock. I felt dizzy, confused, excited, didn't feel real! As we walked to the exam room I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying. All I could hear was "TWINS...TWINS...TWINS!"

As we waited for the doctor to come in I stared at the wall, trying to digest this news. I thought I was prepared and knew what to expect...but, oh my, this was a whole new thing, something I never ever considered. When my doctor appeared in the door way (the same one that I saw with Judah) she had a huge smile on her face. She started talking right away about my "high risk pregnancy" c-sections, preterm babies, bed rest. My head was pounding. My hands were sweating. I LOVE my doctor, but all this information was too much for one day! At one point I asked her, "could you stop using the word "twins"?" As we left the office she said, "your going to love it!"

It took a few days to comprehend. Telling people made it feel real. I told Andrew I am 50% terrified and 50% excited. I am a worrier and my doctor gave me a whole list of things to stress about. Everyone at the doctor's made twins seem like a high risk, wild & crazy event. But, I am trying to remind myself that everything is in God's hands. He intended it. He created two little hearts, beating & growing. It is a miracle & a blessing and He had planned these two little babies for us from the beginning. I want to remember every moment of the next (6-7) months because never again will I have TWO hearts beating & growing in my belly.

These two sweet babies are adding to the beauty...this is the beginning of their story.