Well, maybe! My doctor wants to see them make it to 34 weeks, that is our goal right now!
I am 32 weeks 4 days today.
A few days ago, on Friday, I unexpectedly had to go into the hospital for evaluation. I had been experiencing a different kind of cramping for a few days outside of my "usual" contractions. I almost didn't call, but decided it was better just to check in and see if it was normal. Within minutes of calling I was instructed to go straight to triage. WHAT?! I was not expecting that. I thought maybe they would have me just wait and see for a few hours if anything changed, but the nurse said it was concerning and I needed to go right in. Thankfully some wonderful friends came through and were able to come quickly and stay with Judah while I went up to the hospital...THANK YOU Dima and Kim!
At the hospital the babies and I were monitored for 3 hours. Both babies had great heart rates and were very active. The machine was picking up regular contractions, every 8-10 minutes. I told the doctors that I have been experiencing contractions for 4-6 weeks, but the cramping was new. That was what concerned them. After an evaluation they found that I was 1cm dilated and 25% effaced, which was pretty normal for a 2nd pregnancy, especially with twins this time around. They let me go home because we live so close the the hospital, but I had to come back with any new changes.
Nothing exciting happened for a few days, we made it through Christmas without any hospital trips for me---almost had one for poor Judah though who woke up with a BAD case of the flu on Christmas morning. Luckily we were able to get him hydrated and feeling better from home.
Then, last night I woke up with a sharp pain in my lower back and lots of contractions. I was up 3 hours timing contractions and trying to relax. Eventually they calmed down and I fell back asleep. In the morning I just felt "off" and more tired and slow than even my normal preggo self.
At my OB appointment today I told my doctor about the night and she decided to do another evaluation and see if there were any changes since Friday. I was now 75% effaced, but still 1cm dilated. She was conceded that my contractions were no longer just braxton hicks, but actually causing me to have possible preterm labor. She said our goal would be to get to 34 weeks, which will be January 8th, Andrew's 26th birthday. If the babies can keep on cooking until then their chances of having any NICU time would be very low. So, for now I have to take it very easy. She didn't want to use the term "bed rest," because she knows we have a very active little Judah at home...but, essentially I am on light bed rest. I have to relax as much as possible and let Andrew do everything around the house. It is REALLY hard for me to sit still with so much on my mind---I am in NESTING mode and want to clean, organize and prepare. But, the best thing I can do for these babies is just sit still. So our prayer is that the babies will make it to 34 weeks. We trust God has a perfect plan and are leaving it all up to Him...there is not much we can do except wait and rest.
Sorry, but there are no pictures to post...I have not been feeling camera ready these days :) My maternity shirts just BARELY fit and my tummy is measuring at 41 weeks! WOWZA. So, just create a little picture in your mind of that, if you dare :)
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